A Blog from Chis

 Hi everyone, as this is the first of hopefully many blogs for me, I thought I should introduce myself . My name is Chris Deci, rhythm guitar player for Uncut Stones. My musical story started when I was about twelve years old. As I recall, that was how old I was the first time I remember a song going deep down inside of me and moving me. That's when I decided that I wanted to do that. Make music that touches people . I wasn't coming at it from a Christian perspective, but I wanted to do music that ministered to people , that reached out to them, that improved their lives.We had a pretty cheap, pretty bad acoustic guitar lying around the house, so I started trying to play it. Even though I was pretty bad too , that was all I needed to start my journey. Years passed, I got a better guitar, took lessons, and expected everything to just fall right into place. More years passed, I got married to a wonderful woman, we started a family, and I sort of lost track of that youthful dream .
 By now, GOD had gotten a hold of my life, and through my brother Dave, I met Dan . When I started playing with him in his church, I thought, yes, this is it! The dream is back on track .
 But, as often happens, God's plans for our lives, don't always match our own plans . He separated my path and Dan's path . We kept in touch, but we were playing in different churches, and doing different things.
 Enter there, the hand of GOD. He brought Dan and I back together, and we now play together on the same worship team. The LORD also had more in store for us, and thus, Uncut Stones was born! Through JESUS' rekindling of our dreams, we hope to be a conduit of God's rekindling of your dreams ! GOD has a plan and purpose for your life. As long as you draw breath on planet Earth, HE can and will work through you . HE who began  a good work in you, will be faithful to complete it!
 To Life in JESUS !

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